We are all, but a congealed mass of memories.The memories which are ashes of the moments, burnt in the hearth of life, fanned by each breath we take to survive. And the irony is that these very breaths cut short the thread of life they help exist. Yet sometimes the warmth remains inside, only to be rekindled with fond reminiscences of the childhood and youth.
Most times in our lives there are two things that dictate everything else; chances and choices. At each new chance an set of choices is present and each choice made in turn, creates new sets of chances. More often than not though we end up hurting ourselves and then sit back and remorse haunts us. The heart knows the right from wrong , yet the passions and emotions reign supreme.
Follies and fallacies, joys and laughter, and a thousand such pairs, all mixed in the same bittersweet brew. We sip a draught, and the mouth is bitter. Yet we drink, in the hope of sweetness. And when there comes a sweet taste, we drink greedily for more, knowing well that an ashen taste awaits, lurking somewhere. It is a concoction of smiles and tears and sweat and blood of our own heart. We keep drinking of this even though we don't want to. "There is no other way to live," say all.
Still in everyone's life, there comes a time when we realize that putting away the cup away will certainly make you more thirsty. And then it will lead you in search for a drink, to save your life. This time however, you shall drink from the fountain of youth the source of life shall moisten your lips and quench the burning in your parched throat. Don't you give up your journe before that my friend.
And even if you die in search of the fountain, you shall know, in the end that the pool of nectar was within you; all the time.
brilliant!!!!perfect choice of words..every word has been selected perfectly...each holds its weight and none can be dispensed with.years of voracious reading has morphed u into something special...gr8 goin bro
Awesome!!! "And even if you die in search of the fountain, you shall know, in the end that the pool of nectar was within you; all the time".... intellect,,,
Cheers to life🥂
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