Friday, July 31, 2009


Well, it has been a long long time since I posted something on my blog. Why i write blog or anybody for that matter will always remain a mystery to me.Maybe we all want that piece of cake, which Mr. Andy Warhol immortalised as '15 minutes of fame' or maybe there is some spiritual purpose.

I think they might as well be like marks u put on a jungle that u can find ur way back. Only in this case there is no way back. Time is a forest that keeps on growing like some stubborn bush. And then these blogs will become like old sepia toned photographs in the Album as we had in the olden days.

May be U will come back , have a look and sigh at the good ol' days when something churned in u to type so many words, the meaning of which even u will not be able to comprehend after u have written them.Yet it is always heartwarming to come and have a sneak-peek at these frozen thoughts that have ran amuck in my three and a half pound brain for sometime and forced me to put them down on this electronic marvel of internet.

Right now, as I type all this, I am sitting in my company, Yokogawa's Saudi Arabia office. it is a nice place, save for the heat and the sand-storms that I have seen in a few days. The whole of world in a dusty haze as someone has given a good beating to an old dust-laden bedsheet. A fine spray of particulate suspended throughout the atmosphere, making it look like a hallucination. The work also is going at a slow pace in the office amidst the chaotic business issues.
My life itself has gone a little topsy-turvy. Though the reason I cannot disclose here, a few people know about this and I hope everything goes on smoothly without anybody being hurt, including me. On this trip I have seen how the world makes lying masks out of men and the selfishness is raw and scathing.

Reading only J. Krishnamurti; wish could have met the man and have a walk with him.The words are so simple and direct that they slip through the comprehension, which has of late become crooked. I remember a song by Enigma. It is called 'Return to innocence'. How fit a song!
Something is getting lost as the heart's sap of innocence dries in the sands of so called practicality and normalit. The quagmire thus forming corrupts everything pure, all around. the residue left is hatred, envy and anger.

Is there a way out of all this, not only for me but for all of us. Some want to find it and others are either plainly oblivious or not bothered to understand. Not that I claim to get the full meaning, yet I feel I am trying to.

God ! i must be going mad, with all this mad blabbering and typing.Hope no one reads this blog..
Am stopping here..hope to return sometime with a calmer and saner mind..


1 comment:

The Mellow Coders said...

Hmmmmm have to make your own way .... instead of following anyone's trail ......