Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A song for me

On the wings of my spirit, I shall rise again,

From the black abyss, of my lost self.

Deep and dark have the forsaken paths been,

I have long walked all alone, in moonless nights,

Searching for a dawn, where a sweet sunlight,

Of peace and hope welcomes me, all smiling.

A burnt and parched stretch of earth I have long been,

Where are those torrents of Love, to wash my pain and sins?

Yet in the arcane, forgotten forests of my heart,

A nightingale still croons the songs of eternal love.

I shall stand on the snow clad peaks, the silence of space about me,

And on the flute, with the breaths of life, play a note of final bliss.


Anonymous said...

after a long time, read ur work..seriously too good

nan said...

Been ages since i read the tat-sat poem :D
Have u stopped posting @ Ah Poetry? !

nan said...

btw this one was more of a retrospection kind :)
Loved it !

The Mellow Coders said...
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The Mellow Coders said...

Very nice and uplifting post ..... the way your poems are transfiguring into positivity from " black abyss, of your self" ...... is a welcome change :)

Saurin Gosar said...

what happ anna? itna senti and transitional poem? in a way it is very much like you and in a way very unlike you....the end defines you....