Thursday, April 24, 2008


This is the result of an experimental combo between Me and my Genius frnd Preeti.
Our styles,use of words and almost everything is different yet I believe the work has come out nicely, kindly comment.


Words and Words, I paint in my ink
With the brush of pen on this canvas of world.

Myriad hues of hidden,obvious clues,
soaked in juices of life, all sour and sweet.

Warm smiles, tears bitter,some happy moments & sad others,
I mix 'em all in cauldron of my palms,to make u a brew of life my friend.

The exuberance of varied hue,
The fates parody marinated in brew
Paints the ineffable logic of life
and whispers a song forever anew
Like the tears of the air shines as a dew
Like the shredded clothing is mended by sew
Endeavour to swim across the shallowness of life
Pervading smiles allover,returning destiny its due. (Preeti Venkateshan )

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gunjan..why are you taking the risk of publishing this going to disgrace your writing....